Document Loading


URLs that point to documents

One of the trickiest things about Verifiable Credentials, for people without JSON-LD or Semantic Web experience, is the referencing of external (linked) documents, represented in Verifiable Credentials and other Linked-Data documents by URLs.

Thinking of them as URLs is deceptive, however, as fetching each from the open web at the time of verification of a credential bears many risks to both security and privacy-- although represented as URLs, they are best "cached" or stored locally, to be checked at the time of verification.

Document types

The most common Linked-Data documents used to make Verifiable Contexts more portable are "context files", which are linked in the mandatory @context field of all verifiable credentials. These contain all the additional the vocabulary references needed to semantically disambiguate the keys and values that make up a credential.

There is a core vocabulary in the core context file maintained by the Verifiable Credentials working group, which must be referenced by all conformant VCs to anchor all mandatory terms defined by the VC specification. There are also some additional core vocabularies that cover a lot of common semantics, like the project central to the Semantic Web community, and VC-specific extensions to the core context maintained by the W3C-CCG community, such as the security vocabulary for anchoring cryptographic terms and proof-object properties and the traceability vocabulary for anchoring terms common across major supply chain use cases.

It is common practice, when establishing anything from a small use-case to a vast ecosystem, to establish one context file (or more) to anchor all the VCs involved.

In addition to context files, there are other kinds of Linked-Data/JSON-LD documents that you might need to publish/host or resolve. For example, the RevocationList2020 and StatusList2021 specifications rely on "status lists" to be published to and queried over the open web in much the same was as context files. These lists are the linked-data equivalent of the OCSP status lists so central to the certificate-authority PKI networks that power HTTPS/TLS and other basic cybersecurity infrastructure. Like those, they may need to be propagated and cached, with latency built into systems relying on them.

See below for details on how to handle that on both the publisher and verifier sides of the interaction.

Different modes of document loading

There are three options for loading contexts into an issuer/verifier, i.e., four different ways an instance of DIDKit can dereference a URL pointing to a document. Technically, these are "resources" in the classical sense, but DIDKit is configured to build and maintain a local reference table to avoid fetching remote resources, which is disabled by default.

Ranked by their simplicity and security, the four ways of loading a document for issuance or verification purposes are:

  1. Package a resource into DIDKit at build time.

  2. Load a context resource locally at run time.

  3. Periodically reload a context resource "remotely" from a remote trusted source.

  4. Load a context resource remotely at time of verification (Strongly discouraged and not supported or endorsed by Spruce).

The security advantages of 1 over 2 and 2 over 3 should be clear, but it is also worth mentioning that option #4 has major privacy/data-leakage implications which make it categorically deprecated. Option #3 is not completely free from the complications and risks of option #4, so it is strongly recommended that 1 and 2 be ruled out categorically before finding an optimal balance of mitigations and performance for implementing #3.

Pre-loading a document resource at build time

Any context file can be added to the directory, ssi/contexts/, which DIDKit queries for contexts. A few considerations, though:

  1. Context files are intellectual property, and as such should be covered by licenses if upstreamed or otherwise distributed. Add licensing information about any new context file to ssi/contexts/ and ssi/contexts/ as needed.

    • If it's a W3C context file you are adding, simply add the name and URL in ssi/contexts/ with the other W3C documents (they are already covered by W3C license statements).

    • If the new context is covered by neither W3C's license, or an Apache-2.0 or CC-BY-SA-3.0 license, you will also need to update the license property in ssi/contexts/Cargo.toml.

  2. Add a line in contexts/src/ using include_str to load the JSON-LD file and export it as a constant variable.

    • Optionally, you may want to add the URL in a rustdoc comment.

  3. In ssi/src/

    1. Declare and export a constant for the context file's canonical URL.

    2. In the lazy_static block, define the context document as a RemoteDocument, referencing the context file variable defined in contexts/src/ and the constant defined for the URL.

    3. In StaticLoader, match the context file's URL(s) to the context document.

After that, you are ready to follow the steps in didkit to build didkit-cli or didkit-http, using the locally-modified ssi repository.

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