Compilation into JSON-LD Context

Our fictitious application uses JSON-LD to communicate messages between the different blogging servers constituting of the federation. JSON-LD is a JSON-based data exchange format. Whereas JSON Schema imposes constraints on the structure of the JSON document, JSON-LD does not impose any structural constraint. In return, JSON-LD requires the document to contain a JSON-LD context specifying the semantics of each part of the document. This means that two radically different JSON-LD documents can represent the exact same data thanks to their context definition.

Assume that we want to represent a BlogPost instance using the following JSON-LD document:

	"@context": ...,
	"title": "The Blog Post Title",
	"content": "The blog post content."

The @context key has a special meaning in JSON-LD and should contain the JSON-LD context necessary to interpret the document. In particular, it should specify how to interpret the title and content keys. In our case, those refer to the and properties respectively. We can hence define the JSON-LD context as so:

	"title": "",
	"content": ""

Once again instead of defining the JSON-LD context by hand, TreeLDR can generate it automatically using the tldrc compiler and the following command:

tldrc -i schema.tldr json-ld-context

It is very similar to the command used to generate a JSON Schema. It imports the schema.tldr with the -i option, calls the json-ld-context subcommand to generate a JSON-LD context and specifies what context we want to generate. Here we want to generate a JSON-LD context for BlogPost, which is identified by the IRI.

The output should match the JSON-LD context above.

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